Rocky Mountains Snakes: Folklore of Serpents in the Iconic USA Range

The valleys nestled in The Rocky Mountains of Colorado, encircled by snow-capped peaks, hold intriguing tales steeped in suspense and enigma. This article attempts to delve into these narratives. Moreover, a more detailed examination will uncover interesting similarities between the legends of The Rocky Mountains and those present in other mountainous areas globally. Explore the intriguing tales of Colorado that combine truth and imagination in one of the most famous mountain ranges in the United States.

Rocky Mountain Snakes: Folklore of Serpents in the Iconic USA Range

Legendary Beings of the Mountainous Regions Around the World and The Rockies of Colorado

Many mountainous areas globally, such as The Rocky Mountains, have a strong history of legends about mythical beings believed to reside in these desolate areas. Although Bigfoot is often linked to North American folklore, it is not the sole legendary creature in the United States associated with mountainous regions.

The Mythical Creatures of Colorado's Rocky Mountains
Have similar monsters also lived in The Rocky Mountains?

Different areas around the globe also have their own legendary creatures believed to inhabit the mountains. In the Alps, you can find legends about mythical beings such as the "Tatzelwurm," a dragon or serpent-like creature. 

"Mountain Dragons" of Alps

This legendary creature is commonly said to reside in secluded and hilly regions, located within mountain caves filled with valuable metals, enhancing the beauty of the stunning natural scenery. The Rocky Mountains have a comparable tale, but with a distinct American influence. We'll discuss it soon.

Snakes in Folklore and Mythology of Rocky Mountains
According to folklore, strange snake-like beings should also inhabit The Rocky Mountains

In the legends of the Alpine area in Europe, there exists a being called Stollenwurm or Stollwurm. It is commonly characterized as having a feline facial appearance and a serpentine form, which can vary between slim and stocky, ranging in size from approximately 1 to 7 feet. The animal could possess either four brief legs or only two front legs, with no back legs.

According to legend, the Stollwurm is rumored to be venomous, able to emit a toxic breath, and is known to make a shrill or sibilant noise when in motion. Andreas Roduner reportedly came across Stollwurm on Mt. Wangersberg in 1660. 

Described by him as a "mountain dragon," this creature had a feline face and four limbs. Standing upright, it was as tall as a person, with spiky extensions similar to a boar's along its spine.

Another report, given by Johannes Bueler from Sennwald Parish in the vicinity of the same mountain, described the Stollwurm as a creature resembling a four-legged lizard with a unique crest on its head.

The Mythical Cryptids of Colorado's Rocky Mountains
From the high mountain areas of Rocky mountains came accounts of encounters with strange serpent-like creatures

Another fascinating interaction took place on the mountain Kamor in the Appenzell Alps. According to Johannes Egerter, he came across a dragon-like beast with a huge head and two front legs. According to Egerter, simply the creature's act of breathing made him experience severe headaches and dizziness.

In 1779, Hans Fuchs, a farmer, had a terrifying experience with a mysterious mountain snake, as documented in the records. While navigating the mountainous area, Hans reportedly came across two of these enigmatic creatures. Filled with terror for his own life, he quickly sought refuge in his house, but tragically later died from a heart attack triggered by the incident. During his last breaths, Hans Fuchs recounted to his family the disturbing specifics of his experience.

Swiss authorities announced a prize for anyone who captures the "mountain dragon" due to an increase in reported sightings. A reward of 3-4 Louis d'Or was promised to anyone who could present the remains of a "real mountain dragon and serpent," indicating a strong belief of authorities in the existence of these creatures.

Giant Magical Snakes in Native American Mythology of The Rocky Mountains

The folklore of the Shoshones, Comanches, or Utes Native Americans share common themes. In ancient Shoshone stories, it is said that The Rocky Mountains are inhabited by an ancient snake, a powerful spirit residing deep inside the mineral-filled peaks.

Snakes, dragons, and serpents in the mythology of the Rocky Mountains

According to the Native American legend, This serpent is guarding a valuable, multicolored stone that once belonged to their human ancestors. The Snake King emerges from hiding every spring to bathe in the stream and place his stone on the Colorado River's bank. The precious stone can only be taken from it during this particular moment.

A young Colorado tribe member once saw a snake and a stone by the river. He seized the chance, snatched the stone, and hastily returned to the village. While fleeing, he heard the foreboding noise of numerous snakes, resembling the flow of intense water, trailing behind him. Luckily, he recalled the advice from the village elders about not looking back while being chased by the snake king, as it would result in instant death.

Upon reaching the sacred grounds of the village, the brave man found that the noise had ceased, and he was now out of danger. The Snake King, enraged by a human stealing his treasure, is now on a hunt for it, posing a threat to those who venture into high areas solo. The location of the valuable gem from the story remains a mystery.

Interesting Connections

Venomous and Non-Venomous Snake Species of the Rocky Mountains

It is important to mention that Colorado is where more than 30 species and subspecies of snakes lives. The bullsnake, also known as the gopher snake, is the biggest snake in the Rocky mountains and can grow up to 6 feet long. Despite being large, this snake is non-venomous and mainly hunts rodents

Colorado is home to the Northern Water Snake, which is the only type of water snake found in the state. These non-poisonous snakes are often found near constant water sources in the northeastern and southeastern regions of the state. Reaching up to 55 inches long, they are known for their protective tactics.

Colorado's most common venomous snake species is the Western Rattlesnake, also known as the Prairie Rattlesnake. 

The venomous pit viper snake known as the Western Diamondback Rattlesnake can be found in the Rocky Mountains' rough and steep rocky canyons. On the other hand, the Rocky Mountains of Colorado also serve as a habitat for the nonvenomous Great Plains Rat Snake.

Opal, the mineral discussed in the story, is a scarce and valuable gemstone located in various regions of Colorado such as the Royal Gorge near Canon City, Sweet Home Mine near Alma, and the Raggedy Range near Cripple Creek. 

And how about you, beloved reader? Have you encountered anything out of the ordinary in the Rocky Mountains that you'd like to discuss? Let's commence a dialogue. If not, I hope you have a pleasant day!


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