Mummy of Pedro Found in Wyoming: Monkey or Human?

In 1932, a small mysterious mummy was found in a Wyoming cave and soon got the nickname Pedro. The discovery of Pedro became a source of great excitement as it suggests that Native American legends about legendary creatures living in The Rocky Mountains may be based in reality. 

Mummy of Pedro Found in Wyoming: Monkey or Human?

Did creatures such as gnomes or hobbits really once roam majestic America's terrain with humans? 

The mummy of Pedro and numerous Native American stories regarding 'Little People' from The Rocky Mountains of the United States lends some support to this theory. Let's uncover the truth behind this mystery together.

The Story of Pedro  

Pedro's unusually small size and human-like appearance have been the topic of much discussion. Besides that, the place where the mummy was found is exceptional in all of the United States because it contains the highest number of Native American legends about 'small people'. 

To solve the Pedro Mummy riddle, one must consider various viewpoints.

How was the mummy found?

Strange findings: The mummy of Pedro from Wyoming

Cecil Main and Frank Carr discovered the Pedro Mummy in October 1932 during their search for gold in the San Pedro Mountains of Wyoming. While using dynamite to break through rock in search of a new gold vein, both stumbled upon an entirely surprising finding, when dynamite exposed the entrance to the man-made tiny cave inside of which Pedro was found sitting cross-legged on a small ledge.

When they brought Pedro with them to the civilization, Pedro quickly became a topic of enormous interest in both scientific and popular circles. The Mummy's unique and enigmatic characteristics quickly became known across the country and intrigued America.

The Pedro Mummy's primary attributes

Scientific observation of the Pedro Mummy made during the 40s and 60s before the mummy disappeared resulted in the discovery of several significant traits. Pedro was discovered to be extremely small. The height was determined to be approximately 14 inches (35.6 cm) when sitting. His skin, hair, and facial features were exceptionally well-preserved despite his size and assumed age. All of Pedro's unique characteristics, such as a wide mouth, a flat nose, and sharp teeth, only added to the mystery of his origin.

Unusual discovery: The mummy of Pedro from Wyoming — mysteries of the American West

Pedro's fate is not known

Regrettably, Pedro's current location remains a mystery due to being purchased by multiple private collectors over the years. The fact that further testing is now impossible means that the true nature of the mummy will likely remain a mystery for a while. In the meantime,  Pedro's has become an integral part of American West folklore.

Folklore about Little People in The Rocky Mountains

One fascinating theory suggests that the Pedro Mummy might be evidence of an unknown hobbit-like human group mentioned in Native American beliefs, especially within the tribes living in the Rocky Mountain area. Pedro's appearance aligns with the portrayal of tiny creatures living in hilly regions, commonly referred to as gnomes, in European mythology.

Dwarf and gnome mythology of Native Americans in the Rocky Mountains

The mythologies of numerous Native American tribes contain tales about a specific group of earth inhabitants known as the 'Little People.' This folklore tradition is particularly rich in the San Pedro Mountains of Wyoming where tales from various tribal communities often feature small individuals possessing remarkable powers.

The case of the Pedro Mummy is particularly compelling as it connects a myth to a tangible object.

Is there evidence suggesting that the myths and stories narrated by Native American tribes have roots in actual events, or is this connection too fragile to trust? Could the mummy possibly be seen as the one physical proof of these creatures, fusing together myth and reality?

Stories told by Crow and Shoshone Tribes

Native American mythology of dwarves, gnomes, and the Nimerigar in the Rocky Mountains

The Crow and Shoshone tribes of Wyoming tell tales about 'Little People'. According to their oral folklore, these 'Little People' are tiny yet strong, living in the mountains and adept at using toxic arrows in combat. Members of the Crow tribe both feared and respected these entities. In spite of being tiny, they were thought to be strong beings with the ability to cause damage.


According to native American legends, the Nimerigars are similar in size to gnomes, living in the mountains of Wyoming and other regions in the Western United States. Despite their small size, they were considered powerful adversaries due to their relentless aggression and use of small bows and arrows in battles. According to certain myths, they reside in underground caverns of the Rockies and have a tendency to take humans without any clear reason, just for amusement, and bring them to their underground homes.

It is believed that the 'Nimerigar' possess unique supernatural powers. Native Americans typically view them as guardians of the Earth, overseeing sacred sites and aiding those who are worthy. 

Other unexplained mummies from the United States

The United States has more mysterious mummies than just the Pedro Mummy.  Significant archaeological discoveries involving mummies have been made in the United States. One such discovery is the Spirit Cave Mummy, found in Nevada in 1940. Dating back 9,400 years, it stands as one of the oldest mummies found in North America. 

In 1968, the discovery of the Anzick-1 site in Montana added to the understanding of early American colonization. This site, associated with the Clovis culture and dating back approximately 12,600 years, yielded significant genetic information about Native American ancestry.

Similarly significant is the Kennewick Man, unearthed in Washington in 1996, who lived around 8,400 to 8,690 years ago. This mostly intact skeleton has sparked extensive debate about the ancestry and relationships of ancient North American populations.

More controversial is another alleged find, namely the Lovelock Cave mummy, which is in agreement with legends among the Paiute tribe about red-haired giants called the Si-Te-Cah. 

Despite numerous reports of small mummies and skeletal remains found on the American continent, the United States has seen fewer cases in comparison to South America, which makes the story of the Pedro Mummy particularly intriguing. In contrast, the Andes have yielded a lot of these mummies due to their dry, mountainous terrain, which is ideal for natural mummification.

Pedro: The Mummy of Monkey?

The enigmatic "Pedro Mountain Mummy," discovered in Wyoming during the 1930s, remains a puzzling archaeological find that some researchers speculate could be the preserved body of a primate, possibly a monkey. Several compelling reasons support this hypothesis:

Firstly, the mummy's small size and distinctive facial features, such as a flat nose and prominent brow ridges, bear closer resemblance to primates than humans.

Secondly, its limb structure, characterized by long arms and fingers in proportion, aligns more closely with primates than typical human anatomy.

Thirdly, advanced imaging techniques and forensic analyses of the mummy's bone and joint configurations suggest similarities to those observed in monkeys rather than humans.

Additionally, the absence of standard human skeletal traits like fused cranial sutures further suggests a non-human origin for the mummy.

Lastly, the paleoenvironment of the discovery site, once home to diverse animal species, supports the possibility of unidentified primate species that could account for the existence of the Pedro Mountain Mummy.

In summary, these factors collectively present a compelling case for the Pedro Mountain Mummy being a preserved primate, potentially a monkey, rather than a human.

Extraterrestrial theory and possible natural explanations.

Supporters of the ancient alien theory claim that the Pedro Mummy is an extraterrestrial being that perished in a fall from the sky, with his UFO failing and being buried by indigenous American groups. The many unique qualities of mummy support the notion that Pedro may be of alien descent.

A more commonly believed theory in the scientific community indicates that Pedro could be a human fetus, baby, or grown-up with defects such as anencephaly, a condition causing incomplete formation of the skull and brain. This theory is supported by initial assessments and X-ray results from the 1950s that show traits in line with this medical condition.

In order to thoroughly study the mummy, radiographic and X-ray investigations were conducted in the late 1950s. Their analysis shows two main possibilities: either the mummy was a grown person with a small stature, or the individual suffered from anencephaly, a condition leading to incomplete skull formation. Further research indicated that the remains may have belonged to an infant or a fetus with stunted growth and development due to a congenital condition. Due to the lack of clear results, the different explanations could still be considered valid.

These characteristics collectively make the Pedro Mummy a fascinating subject for research in anthropology, folklore, and archaeology.

Sadly, the handover of the Pedro Mummy to private collectors hindered any future scientific research. Using modern scientific techniques, such as DNA analysis, to study a mummy is not feasible. Future advancements in forensic and archaeological methods may eventually reveal the secrets of the Pedro Mummy, providing a clearer understanding of its birthplace, age, and the factors that played a role in its preservation and mummification. Nevertheless, the mystery of the Pedro Mummy remains unsolved to this day.


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